Friday, September 16, 2011

I was having lunch with my friend Ryn earlier this week and we began discussing her summer plans, which include a 6 week trip around Europe.  A dream.  I know there are those of you who say, stop waiting and just travel, and the others who say it's worth the wait.... that said, I am open to some travels while still single, but my definite dream would be to take two months and backpack around Europe with my husband, whoever he be.  I know having that much time to travel is becoming less and less likely, but we're just talking about dreams here, so leave me be.  I've been told by friends in England and Switzerland I could stay with them, and Ryn assured me I could probably stay with her friend in Ireland too.  Hmm, who knows.  All I know is I'd love to travel Europe, and I'd love especially to do so with my best friend (especially one who I could feel especially safe with).  ;)  

And I don't know why I included this picture, he just looked like a guy who'd be willing to backpack Europe, and so sparked the thought.  (He's handsome too.)

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