Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Little (Afternoon) TMI:

Another from TKOW.  She's an English Lit. major and I tend to appreciate her, or at least laugh at her... as is the case here.  Only, because.... well, you probably know.

Comment from TKOW reader:
Kind of curious that you look for grammatical awareness in a man but you struggle with your own grammar a lot of the time. but it's good to know that you do appreciate it though!
TKOW's Response:
I need him to help me, duh! Hahah, I am always rushing, when I type and talk to get my ideas and feelings out before they disappear, I tend not to stop and take a breath, I think having a helping eye with the editing is always good.
However I am talking more in the sense that in conversation and text he can compose words fully. I hate texting guys who respond with “u” and “lol”. Thus, grammatically “aware”.

Us English majors, we're tough critics of those who can't use proper grammar.   My eye seems to find every grammatical error in a brochure, handout, menu or novel (and I will literally circle it in my book and consider mailing back the copy to the editor just to notify him.   So far, I haven't mailed one.)   Yet, I know my blog is littered with misspelt words, typographical errors, excessive commas and more smiley faces (emoticons) than an old Walmart commercial.   I KNOW!   And I'm with TKOW, the very reason we're so tough: we're hoping to find ourselves a free editor.  ;)  I've definitely given a few guys a friendly brush-off because of their insistence on spelling "your" as "yer" or the like (TMI? Probably).   I'm okay with "lol" and even "u."   I use both.   But, if you're not even cutting out a syllable, or you're using the same amount of letters just to spell a word like a thug or toddler... I cannot help but lose trust in you as a possible partner for all of life's challenges.   Grammar is important, for landing jobs, and a wife.   Learn it.   Use it.

Flaunt that command of the written and spoken language, it's handsome.  As illogical as it may seem, it makes a girl think you might be able to handle a drill, or her heart.  And if you can play with words, you can probably play with kids.  If you can pay attention to your grammar,  you just might pay attention to the special dates, new shoes or the subtle sadness that gives her hurts away.  Okay maybe that's just English Lit. girls. ;)    And as I already confessed, we may just be looking for a free editor, because Lord knows in our fury of typing out the worlds in our head, we need a steady guy to spell check!


Ashley said...

Yes and amen. I love it.

Ashley said...

oh and that last paragraph was brilliance ;)