Wednesday, August 01, 2007

"Here's the girls..."

Her brother, Benji won last year.
She's incredible, and there's a good chance she'll win.
I like her.

She helped one of the choreographers on the show last season so Kim swears she has an advantage. I like her, I think.

She is amazing- she only started dancing when she was 16! And she floats- she is one of my favorites and I think she has a chance at winning.

The B-Girl
I love her! She's a favorite!

"And here's the guys..."

Incredible dancer, but FAR from my favorite person.

Jason's favorite.
He'll probably go home tomorrow night.

Great dancer.
Me and Morgan have crushes on him. ;)

He's Russian and he's a goof. He's also pretty good. He's probably Kim's favorite guy.

And here is the guy they sent home last week...when Dominic definitely should have been voted out. He was my top favorite!

Every girl he got partnered with, became the star of the night. That's pretty much why he got sent home, not because he wasn't good- he just always got out-shined. I think that's the mark of a good guy dancer though isn't it? I don't know- he just was my favorite "person" on the show, if not my favorite dancer. But now, he is no more. He will however be on the tour, since he made it to the top 10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have a crush on Neil too. :)