Thursday, February 17, 2011

I finally became an REI member yesterday. Woot. It had to be done... I used to always go with Aimes, but when you're buying presents FOR her, you can't exactly bring her along. It was about time anyways. I wandered through the bikes and found a couple I really love. I was mulling over the same question I often have...spend money on a gym membership? Or spend that same amount of money each year on gear for playing outdoors?? It seems the gear is a far better option... $500+ on a bike is a much better investment than that much on an annual gym membership. I love playing outdoors.

In a few weeks, I'll be in Whistler with my dear friend Ryn, snowboarding, reading, hot tubbing, and cooking. :) After that, hiking season will begin, and my hiking boots will come out from their winter cave (the tub under my bed full of my gear- I can't wait to have a garage someday for it all!!). Summer weather will lend itself to longboarding dates with the sis at Greenlake, and beach time, and 'deck time' at the house. I cannot wait for Spring!

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