Each morning I get off at the first stop downtown, so I can walk along 5th up to work. As I pass the theatre, I think of all the wonderful times I've been there. I love the theatre. It's a story performed, designed and created to capture, wonder, enthrall, and change you. And I've quite literally grown up in the front row of 5th Avenue. My parents began taking us girls to local theatre groups when I was just walking I believe. I remember getting Captain Hook's autograph in some back hallway.... and saving that program for years. Last weekend my dad was cleaning out his den and kept bringing out keepsakes he's collected over the years, the first play he and my mom went to, the time they saw the world's most famous mime (what?), a program from when they had season tickets to the original Sounders, Seafair programs from when they were first married (my parents met at the hydroplane races at Seafair in the 60's). While I was certainly annoyed by the 12 interruptions to my book, it was fun to see all his little remembrances.

I have many of them myself... programs and tickets from shows, games, zoo dates, etc. Some of my favorites are definitely the shows I've seen at the 5th. The first I remember was The Wizard of Oz with my mom. Dad took me to see Peter Pan. We all went to Beauty and the Beast. I've seen Princesses, some drummer one (Drumline?), Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, Sing'n in the Rain (one of my favorites!! Went with my mom), White Christmas, Guys and Dolls (a couple weeks ago), Westside Story (with Kristin), Into the Woods (with Kristin again! LOVED the first half!), Les Miserables three times, about to be four!!!
Help me out fam, what else have I/we seen? I love being engrossed in a good story. The theatre is something I get to go to once a year perhaps, so I'll also take being read aloud to. Both favorites. :)

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