Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Anyone know the forecast for the Bay Area next weekend?


I didn't exactly quit me job, but thankfully my boss did give me a couple days off.  And Kristin and I just bought tickets.   She said to me over the phone as I booked, "You know this is kind of ridiculous of you, right?  I have to do this, you don't."   I assured her, I had to too.  Just, in a different way.  I may not have a wedding to go to, but my heart's been craving some California air and I'm well due for some good adventure/ wandering hours.  Here's to writing the last few Goals for 25 at the same cafe table I began them.  And perhaps even marking a few more off.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You didn't "quit me job"? That's a relief ;-)