Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The last couple mornings I've been thinking about restoration.  I think we limit the boundaries of restoration, and the power of the gospel.  Paul, who wrote the majority of the New Testament, used to oversee the persecution of the early church, the murder of followers of the man called Jesus Christ.  Moses murdered an Egyptian, fled, and eventually led God's people out of Egypt.  Peter denied Jesus three times, and still became the rock Christ built His church upon.  I don't know how it should look today, but I think it's interesting that as soon as a person screws up, we mark them off the list of leadership material.  We don't trust them anymore, and usuaully we never are willing to again.  Yet, Jesus knew Peter would deny Him, and really wasn't that betrayal in His darkest hour?  And knowing that, He still called him Peter, still decided to build on him.  He understands things so much better than we do - understands even what a leader might need before he is a useful piece in what Christ's building.  So why are we content to just mark people off?  I think there needs to be evidence in a person's life of real deep repentance and change... not just for a day or a week or a month.... but I also think that's the power of the gospel, right?  Creating something faithful out of a sinner?  Creating something beautiful out of the ugly?  Creating friends out of enemies?  Seem too much in real life?  Well, He certainly made us friends of God's when we were enemies.  And I seem to remember Him saying that if we can't forgive our brother, His Father won't forgive us.  

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