Saturday, December 18, 2010

Is there some spiritual significance to wearing holes in the toes of your socks? Maybe something about being on a journey?

Seriously, in the past two weeks, I have worn holes suddenly in the toes of all my socks- and SOME tights too now! It is the strangest thing. I'm finally like "okay, what is UP?" They aren't even like thin, or raggedly at all either. The tights were nearly brand new, and THICK. And it has been with several different pairs of shoes. AND don't you worry- my toe nails are short.. always (pet peeve).

Maybe there is something there. Kind of seems to go with the entire trend of my life right now- a sort of outgrowing, or wearing through. The things that seemed to 'fit' before, perhaps just don't anymore. (Kristin - hold your comments about my 'bones' to yourself right here! lol.)

Esther just passed me some pretty incredible prophetic words for 2011. It was remarkable how much these major prophetic words seem to fit my life right now-- something is coming. Doors are closing, and dreams are dying... but when He closes a door, it is to open the one we are to walk through. And when a dream must die, it dies to sustain the dreams
we are to die and live for.

So- I give it all to you God, trusting that You'll make something beautiful out of me.

2011, I know you are carrying a great deal in your suitcase. I just want to look beautiful when we first meet. In 15 days, I'll be looking my best, in hopes of showing you my great expectations for whatever it is you will mean to me. You'll know me when you glimpse me: I'll be wearing heals and a new dress. I'll be the one with dark hair, green eyes, and a hopeful heart. Have no fear, I'll embrace you when we meet. All my love.

1 comment:

Elsa Juliet Walker said...

That Will Reagan quote has been a theme of mine recently. I've missed reading your blog Katrina. :) You're a prophetic writer.