Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Your name is the tower that I run in to. Your strength is what lifts my head when it's bowed low. Your song is the light that shines through my window.

Then like the sun after all of the rain's gone.
The morning without any cloud comes, with a
picture of your love. And when I think of the stars
so high over me. The moon in the darkness lets
everyone see a picture of your love. And after the
rain has fallen, after the clouds all roll away the
sweetest name remains on my
soul... Because You're faithful.

I was listening to the above song on my busride in to work today. It was pouring outside. I was happy to just be inside during the thunder and lightening and wind storm taking place outside, and I was dreading the 6-block walk to work that was soon approaching. I thought to myself, "This rain is going to last a long time" in response to the song and the weather.

By the time I reached Seattle the rain had slowed. An hour later, I saw blue skies outside the window. My surprised thoughts..."Hmm."

[Song: Picture of Your Love from Onething Live]

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