Monday, March 14, 2011

I don't know what it was about yesterday, but it felt like the entire day was on fast forward, as if perhaps every 3 hours, I lost one. Yet, what a grand day. The perfect, timely word that seemed to fit together the conversations I've been having like a puzzle neatly arranged (not that the image was completely easy to stare at, but just what I needed to see). Lunch with two of my greatest friends, then coffee with one and another (and another). Then just the right amount of rest at home to get set for the coming week. But still, when I gazed at the clock and saw 8:00 I couldn't believe it!

One of those friends made a comment to me, reminding me that most great writers don't really have many friends. He also added that I am the exact opposite. It especially struck me because I feel so blessed by my friends. I know there is definitely the stereotype of the Emily Dickinson type who lock themselves away and fear real human interaction, but I've never been much of an E.D. fan myself. I love the literary genius that was birthed through comrodery and community like CS Lewis, JRR Tolkien, and GK Chesterton, springing from the work of George MacDonald. My study of literature has shown me that great writers are part of something bigger than themselves and their own hobbit-holes and type writers. The are part of birthing new movements and bringing advancement. They challenge one another, critique one another, and encourage one another. To be completely honest, I fancy I live in one of these circles. Really, several of these circles. My two sisters are both writers, as are both my parents in their own right (whether they actually choose to write is another story. Mark the word play. *wink*.) I consider myself so blessed to spend time with artists like Morgan Carpenter, who continually amazes me with her advancing skills and style. She writes lovely and paints unreal. I can't imagine a work being unsuccessful with her images alive beside the text. Likewise, the lyrical beauty of Joel. The constant marching truth and observation of Braden's writing. The beauty and gentleness of all Meghan discovers and pens. I just discovered Emily is a writer as well (why should it surprise me?!) and I can't wait to read some of her work. There are countless others who amaze me with the power of their writing, their unique voice and their skillful style. I want to see something real come of it all. I want to see those books written and published. Not just mine, but all of theirs. I want them to change culture, change lives, change hearts, change history... that one day others look back on these small groups of people and how they spent their Friday nights reading aloud to each other instead of watching a movie, or their Sunday afternoons in easy conversation that almost isn't even conversation. I am so grateful to be challenged and encouraged in my friendships, in words and in lifestyle. I am grateful to be making an investment, and to be invested in.

1 comment:

samara said...

I agree. Artists aren't meant to be closeted. They're meant to be pursuing things with other people. Love this.
I also have never been an E.D. fan... glad to hear I'm not alone.

I just can't wait to hold a copy of one of your published works, Kati :)