Tuesday, March 08, 2011

A time for changes.

I have been asking what is blocking me from moving forward? What is keeping me from crossing into the next season? Is there anything? And of course the answer is, yes. There is.

We cross over through obedience and faith. Radical obedience.

With those changes always seems to come the mirrors. It is a season for changes, just as the seasons are themselves beginning to change outside. We can all feel it heavy in the air. Days are growing longer, the sun seems a little brighter, and our hunger for Spring is growing desperate. Small things, but the details of my life are changing too. The numbers of it. Such as my banking number, and my telephone number, soon my address. So are my account balances, as I'm becoming more disciplined and setting goals. It is a time to change, change my bank, my phone carrier, and the way I relate to others.

1 comment:

samara said...

This post is so encouraging. I'm in a similar situation... things are changing, but I'm still asking what else needs to change.
What is this about your address changing? :)