Friday, August 05, 2011

We need more people who are willing to listen to what we really mean, even if it's not what we're saying.  We need more friends who can look past who we were, see who we are, and recognize who we are becoming.  It's a fragile task ten times over, not to put pressure on people or expectations for them to live up to something they feel they can't.  Not to be broken by them when they fall short in the present and hurt us as they battle from the here to the there.  To see both.  To believe the best.  To fight for us and sometimes against our fears.  To be patient and wait out the storms.  I'm not sure we'll ever make it to who we're called to be without a handful of such friends.  I need these friends.  I have a couple.  And I especially want to be one. What will happen when our generation grows up and learns to see each other for our dreams, our passions, our impossibilities that drive our minds and hearts when we try to fall asleep at night?  I think those same dreams, passions and seeming impossibilities will begin to drive us from the mornings too. 

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