Wednesday, February 01, 2012

I am calling it at 51 days
I have already requested the next day off... for Rose & Jeff's wedding of course. 
And also because I plan to be out until the early morning the night before. 
That is right - The Hunger Games are nearly here.  If you haven't read them yet, you'll want to.  I can't wait to be sipping ridiculous amounts of coffee in line with Morgan, Esther and so many others.

I've been looking forward to it for months, but I had no idea the dangers that were in store for us all.  After reading this article on Busy Bee Lauren (thank you Kimmers for sending it my way), I'm realizing we are going to need these 51 days to create a strategy.  Obstacles we are going to need to overcome:

1. Select the ideal theatre - we need to consider screen size and competitors (mass size).  We are going to want a good theatre, but also one where we have a  good chance of getting GREAT seats and hopefully one that has less of the teen audience.  We also need to consider getting home after I suppose.  My vote so far though is downtown.  I know at least Esther and I could get there super early to begin saving seats, and parents are far less likely to be dropping off their children at the front door of the downtown theatre than all the Bellevue/ Woodinville/ Redmond/ Alderwood theatres we'd usually pick first.

2. We need to actually BUY tickets to the midnight showing.  Anyone know when these go on sale?

3.  Prepare our silver parachutes (I like what I read on Busy Bee Lauren's page... I will in fact be preparing something clever and delicious to hide in all our purses or simply entertain us for the copious hours in line.)

4.  Read the book.  I'll make it clear: if you haven't read the book, you're not invited.  You can see it with whoever or whenever, but we've made a pact.  We are only seeing it with people who have read it.  But don't worry, you still have time.  51 days to be exact.

P.S.  Please don't screw this up, Hollywood. : /  


Ashley said...

Wow. That's intense preparation ;)

Anonymous said...

oh goodness I love this most. It made me laugh, but everything was so true. I am filled with glee!!!

BTW- the tickets go one sale on Fandango Feb 22 per

Anonymous said...

oh and downtown sounds fun .. I wonder if the Cinerama would be showing it? I feel like almost all of the midnight showings I have gone to have been there (don't worry there really haven't been that many).

Morgan said...

Ok. Here's the deal. Whoever sees them on sale first volunteers as trinute and buys 4. One for each of us (including Adam whose "read" the books I'm sure of it.)
I'm thinking District Seattle or District Bellevue for sure. I only say Bellevue because we are Guranteed warmth. Which is everything. Also Pacific Place. The other places I know nothing about. Which isn't important.
Also to take into account. A fabulous happy hour nearby. Cuz I only want to be standing in line with happy people.
And also. Fake mockingjay tattoos. Or real. I won't judge

Kayla Janine said...

I love making simple things a big deal. Katy, you are cute :) Totally on the same page...

Katrina Hope said...

@Morgan - genius! To all! How about we meet for a happy hour, and work on the tattoos there?! I'll bring the sharpees, you bring the skill ;)