Tuesday, January 17, 2012

For Meg, Who, as she said yesterday, is listening to my iTunes again today (I assume) and enjoying this snow (hopefully). So very tempted to call in "snow" but being its my first week I keep risking it and journeying out with the courageous king county metro.

PS, Meg, I have a shirt like this, and sweater (as you already know), so should you fancy to reenact this photo, you totally can. ; )  Stay sane.  I promise to come back less exhausted today.  


{meg} said...

Love love love everything about this!!! I'm actually in your new sweatshirt and it is quite fantastic. If they had any more, you would have to put up with our being twins.

Staying sane...but it's only 9:30 ;)
Come back as your glorious self, only please DO come back!

{meg} said...

ps. thanks for blogging this morning :)
It makes me feel productive when I can visit your blog and read something new.

Katrina Hope said...

haha, I also made sure there was a nice razor for you in the shower ;) Nothing to prevent your productivity now! Ask mumsy to build you a fire in the livingroom when she gets up, sip some coffee and get to writing your brilliant story!