Sunday, May 15, 2011

Someone stopped and walked up to my mom and I, eating gelato at a table by the street. He said "Excuse me, but I was just walking by and I stopped and thought "Oh my, There's Maggie Gyllenhaal!" You look just like her. Have a nice day." And then he walked away. It was all a little strange, as he actually was talking to us through a huge open window/door thing. And the fact that he literally just stopped. I said, "Oh. Thank you." And he was already beginning to walk away. My mom thought of it a second too late, but she goes "I should have said "thank you- I get that all the time." haha.

I just saw a video clip of her on someone's blog and started laughing all over again. I'm not sure, but I think my sister has told me that once before too. I get dozens of different people, as well as the "You look just like my cousin!" sometimes. Apparently, I'm one of those faces that looks like everyone. :/

But eh, I'll take Maggie, she's funny. And I think she's cute. :)

I can see it more than Pippa. (ahem.)

1 comment:

Braden said...

Pippa's better.