Thursday, May 26, 2011

Yep. I miss my long hair. A lot.


Braden said...

I warned you. But did you listen? Nope. Braden is a raving lunatic. Why would you listen to him?

Katrina Hope said...

A. I don't recall you "warning" me. :/ B. I knew it would happen. But a girl has got to have some change in her life at some point, lol. Oh well, so it goes and so begins the 'growing out' process. It should be ready to chop again in a year or so. :)

Braden said...

Point made. You don't listen to me.

ps- If you want a change, you can always paint your nails or your room or something. Don't women do that sort of thing anymore?

kaylee@life chasers said...

you wanna know what is sad and pathetic? i have not even seen you since you cut your hair and you are already tired of it. it has been THAT long! ugh.

Katrina Hope said...

I know! We need a date! Teehee, thank goodness for blogs at least- I get to catch up on you almost every day ;) I'm in love with your photos and your perspective!

samara said...

Me too! I mean... i miss yours and mine =)